
张静,男,1985年生,2020年5月入职重庆交通大学河海学院 副教授;2015年7月-2020年4月,四川农业大学,助理研究员、副研究员(副教授);2013年10月-2015年4月,在美国Michigan State University访问学者;2015年获四川大学环境科学专业工学博士学位;期间2011年7月-2013年1月在四川农业大学任科研助理岗位;2011年获四川农业大学环境工程专业工学学士、硕士学位。

  第十三批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,四川省国土资源厅、四川省水利厅、四川省环境工程评估中心、西藏自治区环境工程评估中心、重庆市环境工程评估中心专家库专家;担任《Water Resources》、《Water Resource Management》及《Science of the Total Environment》等SCI杂志审稿人


在《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Water Resources》、《Water Resource Management》、《Environment Protection Engineering》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Atmospheric Environment》、《Environment and Ecological Statistics》、《环境工程》、《环境污染与防治》、《安全与环境学报》等国内外期刊公开发表学术论文50余篇。其中,第一作者/通讯作者论文20余篇,CSCD检索论文4篇。获国家软件著作权8项。


1 流域水环境风险管控系统;



E-Mail:zcilly@126.com or zhangjing@cqjtu.edu.cn







2022-2022, 大学城隧道复线项目地下水研究,招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司,主持;


2022-2023, 年产12万吨萤石重晶石新材料项目地下水环境研究,重庆中汇新鑫材料科技有限公司,主持;



2020-2021, 基于结构-饮用水-生态需水量视角的山岭隧道排水量研究,重庆交通大学,主持;

2021-2022, 喀斯特地貌区山岭隧道最佳涌水排放量研究(SKHL2012), 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室, 主持;

2018-2019, 流域水环境风险管控系统研究(2017SZ0173),四川省科技厅,主持;








Zhang Jing, Chen Zi-jing, Guo Hang, et al. 2024. The Human Health Risk of Heavy Metals Through Oral, Respiratory, and Dermal Exposure: A Case Study in a High Polluted, Abandoned Factory, in Southwest China. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 235:752.

Zhang Jing, Yang Lu-Ping, Xie Qing, et al. 2024. Research on the relation between hydro-chemical and geological characteristics in Karst area, case study in Zhong Liang Mountain, Southwest China. Water Environmental Research, 96(7):e11062.

Zhang Jing, Li Long Chuang, Zhou Jing Gang, et al. 2023. Using CAS Models to Investigate the Influence of Land Use on the Concentration of Cr(VI) in Groundwater, Case Study in the Central Region of Chengdu Plain, China. Water Resources, 50:932-940.

Zhang Jing, Guo Chen-lin, Xie Guang-ming, et al. 2023. Simulation of the peak flow reduction of small reservoirs. a Case study in Brown Birdge Pond, Michigan, USA. Environment Protection Engineering, 49(3):83-93.

Zhang Jing, Liu Kun Yi, Guo Chen-Lin, et al. 2023.  Assessment of potential ecological risk based on the vertical characteristics of potential toxic elements in sediments from a high-density cage culture reservoir in China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 262: 115136. 

Zhang Jing, Wei Jie, Guo Chen-Lin, et al. 2023. The spatial distribution characteristics of the biomass residual potential in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 338:117777. 

Guo Chen Lin, Zhang Jing, Zhou Qian Shuang, et al. 2022. The influences of source intensity and methodological   factors on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides based on the path analysis model. Environmental Protection Engineering, 48(4):51-65. (通讯作者,研究生第1)

Zhang Jing, Ma Yong, Xing Xing, et al. 2022. Simulation of the Migration path of the maximum pollutants' concentration. case study of the tailing pond, southwest China. Environment Protection engineering, 48:59-72.

Zhang Jing, Zhang Jian-min, Xin Bing, et al. 2021. Study on the effect of municipal solid landfills on groundwater by combining the models of variable leakage rate, leachate concentration, and Contaminant solute transport. Journal of Environment Management, 292:112815.1.

Zhou WY, Xie YW. Zhang J*, et al. 2020. Estimating the remaining atmospheric environmental capacity using a single-box model in a high pollution risk suburb of Chengdu, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 258.15:1100(通讯作者,研究生第1

Liu XC , Zhang MD , Zhou WY, Zhang J, et al. 2020. A Path Analysis for Chemical Oxygen Demand and Ammonia Nitrogen Discharge from Industrial Sewage in China. Water Resources, 47(6):1012-1019.(通讯作者)

Wen-xin Wan, Chen Yi, Zhang Jing*, et al. 2019. Mechanism-based structure-activity relationship (SAR) analysis of aromatic amines and nitro aromatics carcinogenicity via statistical analyses based on CPDB. Toxicology in Vitro, 58, 13-25.(通讯作者,本科生第1

Yang Wen Lin, Zhou Wei Yu, Wan Wen Xin, Gou Su Zhen, Zhang Jing*, et al. 2019. Assessing soil environmental capacity on different land uses in a suburban area of Chengdu, China. Environment Protection Engineering, 45(2):55-67.(通讯作者,研究生第1

Zhou Wei-yu, Yang Wen-lin, Wen-xin Wan, Jing Zhang*, et al. 2018. The influences of industrial gross domestic product, urbanization rate, environmental investment, and coal consumption on industrial air pollutant emission in China. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 25(4):429-442.(通讯作者,研究生第1

Zhang Lan-yue, Li Yao, Zhang Jing, et al. 2017. The relationship among energy consumption, economic output and energy intensity of countries at different stage of development. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 258-264.(通讯作者,研究生第1

Huang Xin, Zhang Jing, Ling Luo, et al. 2017. The influence of GDP, population, and net export value on energy consumption. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 12(9):815-821.(通讯作者,本科生第1

Zhang Jing, Lan-yue Zhang, Qin Xie, et al. 2016. An Empirical Method to Investigate the Spatical and Temporal Distribution of Annual Average Groundwater Recharge Intensity a case study in Grand River, Michigan, USA. Water Resource Management, 30:195-206.

Jing Zhang, Lan-yue Zhang, Du Ming, et al. 2016. Identifying the major air pollutants base on factor and cluster analysis, a case study in 74 Chinese cities. Atmospheric Environment, 144: 37-46.

Jing Zhang, Zhang Lan-yue, Zhang Jian-min, et al. 2016. Theoretical relationship between energy consumption and economic output. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 11(7):643-650.

Jing Zhang, Chuan-yan Luo, Zachary Curtis, et al. 2015. Carbon dioxide emission accounting for small hydropower plants-a case study in southwest China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47:755-761.

Jing Zhang, Lian Liu, Guo-dong Liu, et al. 2014. Investigation of carbon dioxide emission in China by primary component analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 472:239-247;

Zhang Jing, Liu Guo-dong, Deng Shi-huai, et al. 2014. Simulation of the monthly hydroelectricity generation in China based on a logistic model. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 9(4):383-390;

Qiu-ye Jin, Jing Zhang, Yong-sheng Fu, et al. 2014. Research on relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, imports, exports, and population in China. Environment Protection Engineering, 40(2):75-85.

Shi-huai Deng, Jing Zhang, Fei Shen, et al. 2014. The Relationship between industry structures, household-number and energy consumption in China. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 9(4):325-333.

Jing Zhang, Guo-dong Liu, Hang Guo, et al. 2013. Application the Optimization Models to Analysis of the Industrial Pollution Emission in China. Environment Protection Engineering, 39(1):87-99;

Jing Zhang, Guo-dong Liu, Hang Guo, et al. 2013. A theoretical basis for the relationship between the industrial pollutant generation, abatement, emission and economy. Clean Technology and Environment Policy, 15(4):707-711;

Jing Zhang, Xin-yao Yang, Shi-huai Deng, et al. 2012. Principal component analysis of electricity consumption factors in China. Energy Procedia, 16:1913-1918.

Jing Zhang, Shi-huai Deng, Hang Guo, et al. 2011. Modeling the relationship between energy consumption and economic development in China, Energy, 36(7):4227-4234;

Jing Zhang, Shihuai Deng, Yan-zong Zhang, et al. 2011. A new model concerning the relationship between industrial wastewater generation, abatement rate, discharge and economy in China. Procedia Environmental Science, 11:803-809.

曹鹏,胡学兵,张静#, 等. 2023. 基于经验公式的卡斯特山岭隧道涌水分布规律研究. 环境工程,41(S), 1260-1263.

麻勇,张静*,郭宸麟. 2022. 基于Van Genuchten Mualem 模型的土壤包气带中PbZn迁移规律研究. 环境科学与管理,47(9):54-59.(通讯作者,研究生第1

谢勇丽, 张静, 向阳. 2020. 锰矿废石场地下水溶质运移模拟研究. 环境科学与管理, 45: 44-50.

吴晓莉, 果婷, 张静. 2018. 基于有限差分法的局部尺度地下水溶质运移模拟-以某回注井场为例. 四川环境, 85-91.

杨文琳, 张静, 黄鑫, . 基于有限差分法的地下水溶质运移模拟-以某垃圾填埋场为例, 环境工程, 12: 30-36.

甘欣, 苏欣, 王恒, 袁野, 张静,等。2014. 基于多目标规划的中国工业污染物减排研究。内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 45(4): 441-448.

李远玮,苏欣,张静, 等。2014. 水文地质参数对地下水溶质预测结果影响, 安全与环境学报, 14(3): 303-307.

李秋平, 刘国东,张静, . 2013. 基于模糊故障树的输油管线地下水环境风险评价. 环境科学与技术, 36(6L): 328-333.

袁野,张静, 张应川, . 2011. 工业废气与经济发展的过程分解模型研究. 安徽农业大学学报, 38(5):757-761.

张静, 刘鑫, 罗婉, 等。2010. 京津沪地区工业污染物产生量与经济发展定量关系研究, 环境污染与防治, 32(7):107-110.

张静, 荣勇, 张哲玮, . 2010. 利用Matlab模拟多烟团模式计算危险液体泄漏的研究,安全与环境学报, 10(1):181-186.



1 学术专著:基于大数据的降雨入渗补给模型研究,中国水利水电出版社,2023年,主编

2 软件著作权:地下水数值模拟参数反演系统V1.0, 软著登字第8774827号,2021年

3 软件著作权:基于matlab的地下水数值模拟系统V1.0,软著登字第8774881号,2021年

4 软件著作权:基于MGWT平台的地下水污染物运移计算软件,软著登字第8613354号,2021年

5 软件著作权:地表水水质管理系统V.1, 软著登字第2626306号,2018年

6 软件著作权:地下水运动模拟系统V1.0, 软著登字第2795832号,2018年

7 软件著作权:地下水环境风险评价管理软件V1.0, 软著登字第2844849号,2018年

8 软件著作权:二维地形驱动条件下的地下水流模拟系统软件V1.0,软著登字第2846818号,2018年










  1. 2023年,郭宸麟、杨卢平、吉皮五沙,华为杯第二十届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,国家二等奖

  2. 2022年,郭宸麟、麻   勇、陈孜敬,华为杯第十九届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,国家三等奖

  3. 2021年,孙志伟、夏   铜、郭宸麟,华为杯第十八届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,国家三等奖

  4. 2020年,孙志伟、夏日风、邓智中,华为杯第十七届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,国家三等奖


