
李宏伟,重庆交通大学未来土木科技研究院 副教授、硕士生导师,青海交控集团科技信息部副部长(挂职)。2017 - 2018年度中组部“西部之光”访问学者。主要从事岩土工程(冻土与寒区工程)方面的教学和科学研究工作,主持国家级、省部级科研项目6项,发表学术论文20余篇,授权国家专利2件。兼任《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Engineering Failure Analysis》、《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》、《Cold Regions Science and Technology》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Journal of Cold Regions Engineering》等知名期刊审稿人。



1.         国家自然科学基金联合基金项目子课题, U24A20173, 冻土路基的冻融循环和水汽迁移互馈机理, 2025/01 - 2028/12, 在研, 主持;

2.         冰冻圈科学与冻土工程全国重点实验室, CSFSE-KF-2412, 冻土区埋地管道翘曲力学行为及失效机制研究, 2024/12 - 2026/11, 在研, 主持;

3.         兰州大学中央高校基本科研项目, lzujbky-2022-it10,寒区隧道围岩热弹塑性损伤模型及数值实现, 2022/07 - 2024/07, 已结题, 主持;

4.         国家自然科学基金, 51668055, 基于水--力耦合作用下寒区埋地管道管土相互作用机制及屈曲失稳研究, 2017/01 - 2020/12, 已结题, 主持;

5.         冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金, SKLFSE201708, 寒区输油管道管-土界面层力学行为研究, 2018/01 - 2020/12, 已结题, 主持;

6.         第一师阿拉尔市科技项目, 2019GJJ02, 基于新型相变材料寒区道路盐渍化路基灾变控制关键技术及应用, 2019/01 - 2021/12, 已结题, 主持;

7.         国家自然科学基金联合基金项目, U2268215,寒区铁路隧道结构冻害机理与防治技术研究,2023/01 - 2026/12, 在研, 参与;

8.         国家自然科学基金项目, 51869029, 寒区渠道冻土-混凝土衬砌结构相互作用机制及多场耦合冻胀破坏模型, 2019/01 - 2022/12, 已结题, 参与;

9.         国家自然科学基金项目, 51168042, 寒冷地区硫酸盐渍土路基沥青混凝土路面盐胀-冻胀变形破坏机理与综合防治体系研究, 2012/01 - 2015/12, 已结题, 参与;



[1] Hongwei Li, Yuanming Lai*, Mingyi Zhang, Yanyan Chen, Qinguo Ma, Te Liang, Xulong Gao. Elastoplastic damage behavior of quasi-brittle rocks considering crack closure evolution. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 166: 106031.

[2] Hongwei Li, Yuanming Lai*, Huyuan Zhang, Yanyan Chen, Wangtao Jiang, Jiachuan Ran. Composite lining-ground interaction behavior in a cold-region circular tunnel under anisotropic frost action. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2023, 164: 105341.

[3] Hongwei Li, Yuanming Lai*, Huyuan Zhang, Yanyan Chen, Wangtao Jiang, Yan Tian, Jiachuan Ran. Composite lining-ground interaction behavior in a cold-region circular tunnel under isotropic frost heave action. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2023, 207: 103771.

[4] Hongwei Li, Yuanming Lai*, Yanyan Chen, Liang Li. Upheaval Buckling Resistance of Pipelines Buried in Unsaturated Clay Backfills. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2023, 23(5): 04023032.

[5] Ningshan Jiang, Hongwei Li*, Ya Liu, Hui Li, Dongyao Wen. Pore microstructure and mechanical behaviour of frozen soils subjected to variable temperature. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2023, 206: 103740.

[6] Hongwei Li, Yuanming Lai*, Liang Li. Impact of hydro-thermal behaviour around a buried pipeline in cold regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 171: 102961.

[7] Hongwei Li*, Yuanming Lai, Lizhong Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ningshan Jiang, Liang Li, Cheng Wang, Baocun Yang. Review of the state of the art: interactions between a buried pipeline and frozen soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 157: 171 - 186.

[8] Baocun Yang, Zipeng Qin, Qingping Zhou. Hongwei Li*, Liang Li, Xiaosong Yang. Pavement damage behaviour of urban roads in seasonally frozen saline ground regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 174: 103035.

[9] Yanyan chen, Yuanming Lai*, Mingyi Zhang, Hongwei Li, Yingbin Zhang. A new framework for assessing the evolution of unsaturated soil slope stability under the impact of land - atmosphere interaction: Formulation and application. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 173: 106542.

[10] Kuanjun Wang, Hongwei Li, Kanmin Shen*, Zhigang Shan, Weida Ni, Liuyuan Zhao, Hongyu Wang. Thermo-mechanical behaviour of soft clay between operation and shutdown of submarine hot oil pipeline. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, 27(6): 2403 - 2420.

[11] Yanyan Chen, Yuanming Lai*, Mingyi Zhang, Hongwei Li, Yingbin Zhang. Upper-bound optimized solution of unsaturated soil slope stability under steady and unsteady flows. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 164: 105815.

[12] Wangtao Jiang, Yuanming Lai*, Qinguo Ma, Hongwei Li. Mechanical damage model and brittleness index of frozen rocks based on statistical damage theory. Acta Geotechnica, 2023, 18(9): 4687 - 4713.

[13] Wangtao Jiang, Yuanming Lai*, Fan Yu, Qinguo Ma, Hongwei Li. Mechanical properties and two damage models of frozen-thawed rocks under triaxial compression. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2023, 32(3): 387 - 423.

[14] Yanyan Chen, Yuanming Lai, Hongwei Li, Wansheng Pei*. Finite element analysis of heat and mass transfer in unsaturated freezing soils: Formulation and verification. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022, 149: 104848.

[15] Yan Tian, Yuanming Lai, Wansheng Pei, Zipeng Qin*, Hongwei Li. Study on the physical mechanical properties and freeze-thaw resistance of artificial phase change aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 329: 127225.

[16] 李宏伟, 王立忠, 国振, 袁锋. 海底泥流冲击悬挂管道拖曳力系数分析. 海洋工程, 2015, 33(6): 10 - 19.






(3)2025年 硕士生招生名额 3 名


