
王德义教授是国际知名阻燃聚合物材料专家,专注可持续发展的高性能聚合物、阻燃材料、纳米材料、复合材料的基础应用研究。现任马德里高等材料研究院资深科学家/研究教授、新材料研究学部主任、马德里理工大学博士生导师。欧盟玛丽居里学者指导教授、JTAC副主编等。近五年,作为项目负责人承担欧盟、西班牙政府、欧洲工业界及国际合作项目30余项。在Energy Storage Materials, Macromolecules,Nano Energy等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文250余篇。作为大会主席组织国际学术会议5次,受邀在重要国际学术会议作大会报告20多次。曾获德国洪堡学者、欧盟玛丽居里学者、美国杜邦青年教授、西班牙杰出青年科学家等荣誉,2016年入选英国皇家化学会会士。


1. New generation of eco-benign multifunctional layered double hydroxide (LDH)-based fire retardant and nanocomposites (ECOFIRE-NANO, FP7, European Union, 2012-2016) (PI)

2. Study of sepiolite-based fire-retardant systems. (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), (RTC-2014-2033-4), 2014-2017) (PI)

3. New Generation Green Fire Retardant High Performance Materials. Ramón y Cajal Grant (Spain, 2013-2018) (PI)

4. Tailored lightweight sandwich composites with multifunctional properties and good designability. (TESCOM, EU-H2020, GAP-895931, 2020-2022) (Coordinator)

5. Functionally Metalized Nanocellulose For Future Smart Materials. (FUNMAT, EU-H2020, GAP-897906, 2020-2023), (Coordinator)


1. Xiaosui Chen, Abdulmalik Yusuf, Jose Sanchez del Rio, De-Yi Wang*.A facile and robust route to polyvinyl alcohol-based triboelectric nanogenerator containing flame-retardant polyelectrolyte with improved output performance and fire safety. Nano Energy, 2021, 81, 105656.

2. Yin Guang-Zhong, Hobson Jose, Duan Yanyan, Wang De-Yi*. Polyrotaxane: New Generation of Sustainable, Ultra-flexible, Form-stable and Smart Phase Change MaterialsEnergy Storage Materials,2021, 40: 347-357.

3. Li Xiaolu, Sánchez Del Río Saez José, Ao Xiang, Yusuf Abdulmalik, Wang De-Yi*. Highly-sensitive fire alarm system based on cellulose paper with low-temperature response and wireless signal conversion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431: 134108.

4. Abdulmalik Yusuf, Venkata Sai Avvaru, Mahmut Dirican, Sun Changchun, De-Yi Wang*.Low heat yielding electrospun phosphenanthrene oxide loaded polyacrylonitrile composite separators for safer high energy density lithium-ion batteries. Applied Materials Today, 2020, 20, 100675.

5. Jing Zhang, Zhi Li, Lu Zhang, Javier García Molleja, De-Yi Wang*. imetallic metal-organic framework and graphene oxide nano-hybrids induced carbonaceous reinforcement towards fire retardant epoxy: A novel alternative carbonization mechanism. Carbon, 2019, 153, 407-416.

6.  Zhi Li, Zhiqi Liu, Jing Zhang, Can Fu, Udo Wagenknecht, De-Yi Wang*. io-based layered double hydroxide nanocarrier toward fire-retardant epoxy resin with efficiently improved smoke suppression. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378, 122046.

7. Lu Zhang, Qi Wang, Rong-Kun Jian and De-Yi Wang*. Bioinspired iron-loaded polydopamine nanospheres as green flame retardant for epoxy resin via free radical scavenging and catalytic charring. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020,8, 2529-2538.

8. Ye-Tang Pan, Lu Zhang, Xiaomin Zhao and De-Yi Wang*.  Interfacial engineering of renewable metal organic framework derived honeycomb-like nanoporous aluminum hydroxide with tunable porosity. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3399-3409.

9. Yusuf Abdulmalik, Wang De-Yi*,Toward an In‐Depth Fire Hazard and Resistance Diagnosis of Flame Retarded Liquid Electrolytes for Safer Lithium‐Ion BatteriesAdvanced Materials Technologies, 2021, 2101055.

10. Xin WangEhsan Naderi Kalali, Jin-Tao Wan, De-Yi Wang*. Carbon-family materials for flame retardant polymeric materials. Progress in Polymer Science, 2017, 69, 22-46.



1.高性能高分子材料 2.火安全材料 3.纳米材料与器件